Feedstock Materials-Creating Feedstock Specifications for Metal Powder Bed Fusion
New Guide for Principles of Design Rules in Additive Manufacturing
Finished Part Properties - Standard Specification for AlSi10Mg via Powder Bed Fusion
Orientation and Location Dependence Mechanical Properties for Metals Additive Manufacturing
New Guide for Nondestructive Testing of Additive Manufactured Metal Parts Used in Aerospace Applications
Test method of sand mold for metalcasting - Part 2: Physical properties
Hartmetalle - Abriebprüfung für Hartmetalle
Corrosion of metals and alloys - Guidelines for corrosion and environmentally assisted cracking testing of additively manufactured metals and alloys
Hartmetalle - Probenahme und Prüfung von Pulvern unter Verwendung von gesinterten Probekörpern
Hartmetalle - Metallographische Bestimmung der Mikrostruktur - Teil 2: Messung der WC Korngröße