joke Technology GmbH has been active on the market since 1940 and is now regarded as the market leader for devices and tools for manual surface finishing. This includes applications such as deburring, grinding, polishing, blasting, cleaning and much more.
With over 10,000 customers worldwide and more than 20,000 products in its portfolio, joke serves companies from a wide range of industries with high demands on surfaces, including tool and mold making, medical technology and the automotive industry.
joke has been involved in additive manufacturing for just as long as its customers, as these same customers approached joke with their first printed parts and many questions about possible ways of post-processing.
Since these initial contacts, joke has established many new tools on the market that are particularly suitable for post-processing in the AM sector. Above all, however, joke has closed a critical gap with the world’s first workstation for complete and secure post-processing, the ENESKApostprocess.
Since there are still many unanswered questions, misconceptions and unnoticed risks, especially in the post-processing of additively manufactured parts, it is a particular concern of joke to provide clarification and to pass on its own knowledge from over 80 years of practice.